Where moments live on.
Giving the Gift of a Lifetime of Memories
Moments Blog by iMemories
November 25th, 2020

Giving the Gift of a Lifetime of Memories

This year, the holidays will be different for many families. As people prioritize the health and well-being of family members considering the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, decisions will be made to limit large family gatherings that have become a staple of the holiday season for generations. Families will embrace smaller celebrations, enjoy precious time with household family members, and utilize technology to experience the holidays with extended family and friends.

Your family is likely looking for unique and creative ways to bring your family together safely – and what better way to achieve that than by sharing a lifetime of memories digitally to remind everyone of the silly, momentous, sentimental and unexpected moments that make you family. 

iMemories allows you to do exactly that by taking generations of photos and videos – from reels and slides to VHS and photo prints – and combining them into one tear-jerking digital format that is easily viewed, shared and enjoyed on any modern device.

It’s the ultimate solution for the unusual 2020 holidays, with your extended family gathered on Zoom and opening your message to see great grandpa enjoying his favorite cigar in his favorite chair, grandma heading off to Senior Prom, your father’s college graduation, the birth of the family’s first grandchild, and countless forgotten swim meets and soccer games. 

The Scottsdale, Ariz.-based company thoughtfully preserves your memories and makes it possible to easily share them with anyone. They take the daunting task off your hands of digging through closets, boxes and various devices to collect all your memories in an attempt to transfer, scan and organize them…somehow.

So how does is work, exactly? The company’s innovative process can work with virtually any medium – including 8mm, Betamax, VHS, MiniDV, photo prints, slides, negatives and more. Using an iMemories SafeShip Kit (crush-proof, waterproof and shock-resistant!), your irreplaceable memories are shipped without the need to sort, label or organize anything. 

Once in iMemories’ possession, they are expertly converted by technicians into a digital format that you can download or access and share via the iMemories app. You can also order your digital file on DVD, Blue-ray or USB thumb drive for gift-giving. Regardless of the medium, your lifetime of memories will be viewable on laptop, mobile device, tablet or television. Presented in chapters, you and your family members can easily find specific memories to relive over and over. 

Beyond being a fantastic way to celebrate with distant family over the holidays, iMemories serves another crucial purpose. It’s often not realized when storing away memories on old formats, like VHS for example, that these mediums degrade over time. This means your memories will slowly fade and will eventually be lost for future generations. iMemories can prevent that from happening, working with every format to preserve and present your memories as if the video or photo was taken just yesterday. 

iMemories has a limited-time holiday offer if you order online using the link below. You can receive 50% off the SafeShip Kit, a discount on your entire order and free shipping.  

During this holiday season, enjoy the result of your iMemories experience as you watch your family react to long-forgotten memories and revel in the moments that made you family. 

$14.99 (Reg. $29.99)

SafeShip Kit

The safe and easy way to ship your memories for digital conversion. Includes specialty designed crush-proof box, waterproof bags, shock resistant bubble cushions, and free shipping to iMemories via FedEx.



Shipping your memories to us is easy! Simply enter your email address below to receive shipping instructions:

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